Received my first shipment of consumables. The two gallon kit of AKZO primer, a stock of #30 & #40 drill bits, some 12" bits since my old ones are dull and finally a couple reamers in #30 & # 40 sizes. Some folks claim the reamers do a better job than drills for match drilling holes. We will see???
I also received the spare 1.4mm 3M PPS Accuspray nozzles for my new paint gun. They come 4 to a box. Should be enough to get me thru the emp/tailcone kit.

Unfortunately my two cans were damaged due to the way Aircraft Spruce packed them in a box with no padding. I have reached out to ACS for direction but I am afraid these seems will start to leak over time. Looks like by now they would know how to pack this stuff so it can survive the shipping process.
Maybe I can get a couple empty cans from Lowes or something?
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