While ordering from Van's, I went ahead and picked up some pro-seal for gluing in the foam pieces in the elevators, double sided construction tape for riveting the trailing edges of the elevators and rudders, and I picked up the Van's G3X Yaw Damper and Pitch Servo Install Kits for the RV-14 that can be used with slight modification with the RV-10. It is best to install these items while the tailcone is wide open rather than waiting till later.
I also placed an order with Aircraft Spruce for the AKZO primer I plan to use on the parts. This is a 2 gallon kit. Also ordered some drill bits and reamers to replenish my stock. I will go thru a ton of bits with this build.

Then went to Cleveland Aircraft Tool and picked up some 1" 3M Cut & Polish/Debur wheels for use with the die grinder. I found that these things while pricey are the cats meow on deburing all the parts!
Then I went over to Amazon and picked up a spray gun kit from 3M. This is one of the newish Accuspray PPS system guns. It comes with these special paint cups that use disposable liners and lids with built in filters. You can mix right in the cup, spray and then throw away the liner with little to no cleanup. This gun also uses transparent spray nozzles that are easier to clean and you can toss when they get to cruddy.
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